Saturday, April 21, 2012

Niall, part 4

#imagine You hear the sound of a hooter and you look out of your window and see Louis waving at you. You wave back and guickly grab your purse - which looks good with your tight black dress with white figures - and go down the stairs. Louis gives you a hug, again, and says: "Wow! You look really good!" "Thanks", you say and smile at the ground. You go to the car with Louis and after about 10 minutes he explains how you can get to the club and drops you off. You walk three blogs before you turn to a smaller street and arrive to the club. You go inside and you see many people. You also notice Niall and go to sit near him but pretend you haven't notice him, just like Louis told you to do. You're looking at Niall discretely. Suddenly he looks at you and you turn your eyes of him. You can feel he staring at you. He gets up, comes to you and asks: "Is this seat taken?" You feel cold shivers going up your back because of his accent and you turn to face him. His standing really close to you. "No, it's free", you say and watch him sit next to you. "Can I get you a drink?", he says in a polite way. You nod and Niall orders drinks for you. "You propably don't expect me to remember you but I do" he continues and looks straight to your eyes, "You were at the signing on saturday, right?" "Yeah, I was. I can't believe you remember me!" You say, but of course you know he remembers you. The time flies while you just sit there and talk about everything. Couple hours later you see Louis at the WC's waving for you to come there. "Sorry, but I gotta go to the restroom. I'll be right back", you say and get up. "Heey!" Louis says, "How's it going with Niall?" "Great! He's really nice" you say excitedly, "And cute!" You talk to Louis for just couple minutes and then you go back to Niall. Almoust right away Harry comes to your table and introduces himself to you. "I know who you are", you say and you all laugh. "So, Niall.. You coming now? We have early rehealsals tomorrow", Harry says then. "Oh.. right. I forgot", Niall says, looks at you and then turns back to Harry, "I think I'm gonna take her home first". You smile to him. "Okay, see you tomorrow!" Harry says, gets up and goes out with Zayn, Liam and Louis who winks at you. While you're walking towards your flat Niall suddenly takes your hand. You look to your hands and then to Niall who smiles at you. Finally you arrive to your flat. Niall says that he wants to meet you again. You got goose bumps. When you stand at the front door and Niall holds both of your hands and looks straight to your eyes he says: "Good night, beautiful." Then he slowly kisses you. After the long kiss he turns around and walks away. You freeze staring at him and whisper: "Good night.."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Niall, part 3

#imagine When you arrive to the park you see only one person sitting on a bench. He's wearing a hood and black sunglasses. You move closer and he looks a bit familiar. "Hey.." You say and the boy looks at you, "Louis?" "Oh, hi! I wasn't sure who I was waiting for but now I remember you", he says and takes his hood off. "So before we do anything about this I wanna ask you something..", he continues, "uhm.. this is weird but.. Do you like Niall like that? I mean, would you possibly like to be his girlfriend?" You stare at Louis with your mouth wide open. "Are you seriously asking that? Propably almoust every girl in this planet would say yes to that!" You say and almoust shout. "Yeah, but do you like him just because he is.." he says and continues with a fangirling voice, "Niall Horan from One Direction!" You start to laugh because of Louis' funny voice and you say: "No, I think he seemed like a really nice guy." "Well, good then", Louis says and smiles. He tells you his plan and you love it! "So, you expect Niall to think that I randomly come to the same party with him?" "Yes! He's not smart enough to figure it out", he says. You both laugh. "I'll pick you up at 7:30PM from your flat and then I'll drop you off couple blogs before the club, is that clear?" "Yeah, I think so." H ehugs you and you turn and start walking in different directions. To be continued((: I had to but that "direction" on the end :D

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Niall, part 2

"imagine Couple days later your sitting on a park bench with your bff. "It was so crazy on Saturday!" you say and roll your eyes. "Did you give it to him?" she asks and looks at you curiosly, "the letter?" "Oh, yeah, I did actually", you say, "hope he reads it. Suddenly your phone starts to ring. "It's a private number", you say to your friend and then aswer it, "Hello?" "Hi! It's Louis here", a mens voice says from the phone. "Louis who?" you ask cause you don't remember knowing any Louis. "Louis Tomlinson", he says, "from One Direction." You stop breathing for a second and then you ask: "Why are you calling me?" "Well.. Actually, I'm kinda calling instead of Niall. You know he has talking about you a lot after the signing", he says. "Really?" "Yeah, he wanted to call but didn't know what to say so I desided to help him. Tho he doesn't know that I'm talking to you" Louis says and laughs a bit. You laugh too and ask: "How did you get my number?" "It was in the letter" he says, "I didn't read it, by the way, don't worry!" He laughs again. He asks if you could meet in a out of town park. "Yes!" you say, obviusly. Sorry guys, but I don't have more time today so this is really short ;(

Friday, April 6, 2012

Niall, part 1

#imagine "OMG! how long is this gonna take? Hello?! Stop talking to them! There's a long line here." You almoust freak out while you're standing and gueueing to meet your idols. "Oh, yes! She left. Only about 20 people before me! Oh, shit! What am I gonna say to them? "Hi! I love you! I'm your biggest fan! I love carrots, cats, Nando's, mirrors and turtles and I hate spoons!" No, no. That's fangirling! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 18 before me! OMG! I don't know what to say to them! Okay, just... breathe. I'll just say what comes up. I can't believe I'm gonna meet them!" The line moves pretty fast now. "Okay, I'm next. Don't freak out, don't freak out.." you mumble. "Hey!" Zayn says with bright voice. You're shaking and you barely manage to say hi. "Can, can I have your signature?" you ask. "Yeah, of course", he says, signs a pic of him and gives it to you. "Here you go!" "Thanks" you say, smile to him, "Can I have a hug too?" "YES! Always a pleasure to hug pretty girls", he says quite loudly, stands up and hugs you. "I love you!" you shout when the security guard pushes you forward. "Hello there!" Louis says to get your attention. "Hi!" you say a bit braver now. He stands up, gives you a picture with a signature and hugs you before you've even asked for any of that. "Thanks!" you say guickly when you've pushed forward, again! Next is Liam and Harry you hug them at the same time and that feels amazing. They both give you signed pictures and you move on to Niall. "Hey!" you say merrily. Niall answers but he doesn't even look at you cause he's signing a photo for you. You feel affended. He gives the picture to you and only now looks at you. "There you.." he stops and stares at you. You take the pic of his hand and thank him. "What?" you ask. "Nothing", he says and shakes his head, "sorry." You're a bit confused but suddenly you remember something. "I actually have a letter to you" you say your eyes wide open. "You have?" Niall says and looks surprised. "Yeah, it's right.." You dig your pocket and find the little light pink envelope, "" You hand it to Niall who thanks you and before you know the security guard has pushed you away again. Continues later((: Tell me what you think! xx

Best Present Ever

#imagine "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." "What the fuck?" you mumble while you open your eyes. Next to your bed stands your boyfriend with no shirt on carring a cake with candles. "Liam.. I told you not to", you say and get to sit. He puts the cake on the nightstand. "You knew I wouldn't believe you", he says and smiles brightly. You get of the bed, kiss him on the cheek and say: "Thanks, babe!" After you've eaten pieces of your cake you go out together. Liam says he has planned the whole day already. "Where are we going first?" you ask while you're walking along the street. "You see that big building there?" Liam asks and points forward. You nod and he continues: "That's where we're going." You look to Liam a bit confused. "That's the airport, Liam" you say then. "I know that", Liam says and laughs at you. When you arrive to the airport you see a huge sign saying: "Happy Birthday to my babe! This is where your party is. Love, Liam." Under that text is a picture of a sunny beach. "We're going to Hawaii!" Liam shouts and you start to scream. When you get to your plane - private, of course - you see the other lads sitting there already. "Happy birthday!" they all shout when they see you. They all get up to hug you. Harry is the last one to hug you and he lifts you up and carries you to your seat next to Liam. "Good service here!" you say and giggle. "So, you like your present?" Liam asks you. You turn to look at him in the eyes and say: "You're crazy! But yes, of course I do. And this is gonna be the best birthday ever!" "I know", he says and gives you a long kiss.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Special Mirror

#imagine "What about this one? It looks nice", you say while you're standing in a furniture shop in front of a mirror. You're shopping for mirrors with - who else than - Zayn. "No, no", he says and looks to the mirror and then up and down on you. "You should look at the mirrors, not me", you say and laugh a bit. He looks like he's woken up from a dream. "Yeah, I know but I can't stop looking at you. You're so gorgeus!" You feel blush coming up to your cheeks so you smile at the ground. "Oh, shit!" Zayn suddenly shouts. "What?" you say and turn to look at him. He is standing in front of a huge mirror with a golden voluminous frame. "This is perfect! Excuse me", he says and waves to a salesman, "I want to by this." "Okay, I'll get a packed one for you from the storage", the salesman says with a kinda mechanic voice. "Oh, wait!" Zayn shouts after him, "Can I have just the frames, please?" The salesman nods and continues his way to the storage. "Zayn.. You do know that when you buy the frames only, you don't see yourself in them, right?" you say cautiosly. He starts to laugh loudly and says: "Of course I do! You'll see what they're for." Next day Zayn calls you and says that he wants to show what he used the frames for. When you get to his door he opens it thrilled. "Hey! Come in." "So, where is it?" you ask when you've got your jacket of. "In my bedroom", he says and you follow him in there. "Oh. My. God" you say when you get to the door. "That's huge!" "You like it?" Zayn asks and smiles at you. "Like it? I LOVE it!" you scream and hug him tightly. The frames are opposite to Zayns bed (so he sees them when he gets up) and inside them is a huge potret of you. "I wanna see you all the time even if you weren't really here" he says and then kisses you passionately.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Private Concert

#imagine *dingdong* You run to the door and open it. "Hey!" "Hi! You ready to go?" Harry asks while he smiles and kisses you on the cheek. "Yeah, I'll just get my bag. Come in." Harry closes the door after him. "Where are we going?" you shout from the stairs when your walking up to get your bag. "Ohm.. Actually I can't tell you. It's a surprise" Harry answers. You run the stairs down and in the hall you say: "Oh, cool!" In the car you look at Harry. He looks so sexy.. again! He makes you always think he's too good for you. "Put this in frint of your eyes" Harry says and gives you a scarf. You take it, look it and then say: "Why?" "So you can't see where we're going", he says and smiles at you. You conclude it around your head so it covers your eyes. After about 10 minutes Harry stops the car and says: "Wait right there and I'll get you out of the car. "okay", you say. Soon Harry opens the door on your side and lifts you up to his arms. "Oh, I thought you we're just gonna help me get out of the car but this is okay too." He laughs. You can feel him breathing when you lean to his chest. Finally he puts you down to a chair and takes the scarf of your eyes. "Harry.. This is amazing!" you say and he just shushes you. "Don't talk." You're sitting on a bench beside a river. It's quite dark and there are lots of candles. Suddenly Harry says: "This is for you, babe!" and starts to sing in front of you. YouI regonize the song from the first words: 'Isn't She Lovely'. Harry kneels down and takes your hand. He looks straight to your eyes while he sings to you. He ends it with a long note. A tear streams down your face and you say: "Harry, that was amazing. No-one has ever sung to me before." Harry smiles at you and says: "Anything for you, my love!"

Little Mermaid

#imagine It's 2PM. Your lying on a sunbed. It's really hot and the sun is bright. You're just about to fell asleep when.. "Woohooo!" *splash* Lots of water just splashed on you. "Louis! You got me all wet!" you scream, get up and take your sun glasses of. Louis just laughs at you and says: "That was kinda the point here cause now you have no reason not to come here." He's in a huge pool next to your sunbed. He has he's clothes on and you can't deny: he does look sexy. You give him 'the look' and try to look angry. He just laughs his cute and loud laugh. You can't help it, you have to smile. Finally you jump to the water. Under the water you hug him tightly. When you come up, he says: "Well, hello, my love! Welcome back from the water." You laugh and dive again. This time he follows you. You lay down to the bottom of the pool and he Louis comes on you. He has a big smile on his face and it makes you smile too. His hair is floating in the water when he gives you an amazing - and of course wet - underwater kiss. You both get up and take a breathe. He pushes you against the side of the pool, looks you in the eyes and says: "I love you so much! You're my little mermaid." You just smile stupidly and wrap around him while he kisses your neck.

Hide and seek

#imagine "48, 49, 50. Here I come, ready or not!" Harry shouts. You're starting to panic. Harry is already looking for you and you haven't find a place to hide. Wait, a closet! It's perfect. You open the closet's door and almoust scream when you see Niall in it. "Oh, sorry! I'll find another place", you say quickly. You hear Harry's steps coming closer. "Oh my god!" "Quick, come here", Niall says and pulls you in the closet and closes the door. Harry walks to the kitchen. "Phew, that was close", you say and look to Niall. You realise you're standing really close to him. You can feel he's breath in your forhead. "Yeah", he says and looks back to your eyes. It's really dark in the closet but you can still see his green eyes sparkling. "I, I should propably go now", you mumble. "I saw a good seek in the living room". You turn to the door. "No, don't go", Niall whispers and grabs your hand. "You can hide here with me." You turn your head and he smiles at you. You feel cold shivers going trough your back. "Okay then", you say and turn back to face him. You look through a little hole in the door and say "Soo, when do you think Harry is gonna find us?". "I don't know", Niall says and turns your head back at him with his warm hand, "but I hope it takes long". Your staring at each others eyes and you both smile. Niall pulls you closer with his other hand so your chest touches his. You shiver and hope he didn't feel it. He comes even closer and your lips are just about to touch when... "Louis! I already found you! You can't hide again", Harry shouts and Louis laughs loudly. They run next to the closet to the living room. You giggle a bit. Niall just rolles his eyes and kisses you softly. Here's the first one! U like it or not? comment below(:


Hey guys! Soo this is my new blog and I'm gonna try writing some imagines((: I've never publish my imagines so I hope you like them. The firsts are going to be a bit short but I'm just getting started :D pls comment if you like((: xx