Friday, April 6, 2012

Niall, part 1

#imagine "OMG! how long is this gonna take? Hello?! Stop talking to them! There's a long line here." You almoust freak out while you're standing and gueueing to meet your idols. "Oh, yes! She left. Only about 20 people before me! Oh, shit! What am I gonna say to them? "Hi! I love you! I'm your biggest fan! I love carrots, cats, Nando's, mirrors and turtles and I hate spoons!" No, no. That's fangirling! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 18 before me! OMG! I don't know what to say to them! Okay, just... breathe. I'll just say what comes up. I can't believe I'm gonna meet them!" The line moves pretty fast now. "Okay, I'm next. Don't freak out, don't freak out.." you mumble. "Hey!" Zayn says with bright voice. You're shaking and you barely manage to say hi. "Can, can I have your signature?" you ask. "Yeah, of course", he says, signs a pic of him and gives it to you. "Here you go!" "Thanks" you say, smile to him, "Can I have a hug too?" "YES! Always a pleasure to hug pretty girls", he says quite loudly, stands up and hugs you. "I love you!" you shout when the security guard pushes you forward. "Hello there!" Louis says to get your attention. "Hi!" you say a bit braver now. He stands up, gives you a picture with a signature and hugs you before you've even asked for any of that. "Thanks!" you say guickly when you've pushed forward, again! Next is Liam and Harry you hug them at the same time and that feels amazing. They both give you signed pictures and you move on to Niall. "Hey!" you say merrily. Niall answers but he doesn't even look at you cause he's signing a photo for you. You feel affended. He gives the picture to you and only now looks at you. "There you.." he stops and stares at you. You take the pic of his hand and thank him. "What?" you ask. "Nothing", he says and shakes his head, "sorry." You're a bit confused but suddenly you remember something. "I actually have a letter to you" you say your eyes wide open. "You have?" Niall says and looks surprised. "Yeah, it's right.." You dig your pocket and find the little light pink envelope, "" You hand it to Niall who thanks you and before you know the security guard has pushed you away again. Continues later((: Tell me what you think! xx

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