Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hide and seek

#imagine "48, 49, 50. Here I come, ready or not!" Harry shouts. You're starting to panic. Harry is already looking for you and you haven't find a place to hide. Wait, a closet! It's perfect. You open the closet's door and almoust scream when you see Niall in it. "Oh, sorry! I'll find another place", you say quickly. You hear Harry's steps coming closer. "Oh my god!" "Quick, come here", Niall says and pulls you in the closet and closes the door. Harry walks to the kitchen. "Phew, that was close", you say and look to Niall. You realise you're standing really close to him. You can feel he's breath in your forhead. "Yeah", he says and looks back to your eyes. It's really dark in the closet but you can still see his green eyes sparkling. "I, I should propably go now", you mumble. "I saw a good seek in the living room". You turn to the door. "No, don't go", Niall whispers and grabs your hand. "You can hide here with me." You turn your head and he smiles at you. You feel cold shivers going trough your back. "Okay then", you say and turn back to face him. You look through a little hole in the door and say "Soo, when do you think Harry is gonna find us?". "I don't know", Niall says and turns your head back at him with his warm hand, "but I hope it takes long". Your staring at each others eyes and you both smile. Niall pulls you closer with his other hand so your chest touches his. You shiver and hope he didn't feel it. He comes even closer and your lips are just about to touch when... "Louis! I already found you! You can't hide again", Harry shouts and Louis laughs loudly. They run next to the closet to the living room. You giggle a bit. Niall just rolles his eyes and kisses you softly. Here's the first one! U like it or not? comment below(:

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