Saturday, April 21, 2012

Niall, part 4

#imagine You hear the sound of a hooter and you look out of your window and see Louis waving at you. You wave back and guickly grab your purse - which looks good with your tight black dress with white figures - and go down the stairs. Louis gives you a hug, again, and says: "Wow! You look really good!" "Thanks", you say and smile at the ground. You go to the car with Louis and after about 10 minutes he explains how you can get to the club and drops you off. You walk three blogs before you turn to a smaller street and arrive to the club. You go inside and you see many people. You also notice Niall and go to sit near him but pretend you haven't notice him, just like Louis told you to do. You're looking at Niall discretely. Suddenly he looks at you and you turn your eyes of him. You can feel he staring at you. He gets up, comes to you and asks: "Is this seat taken?" You feel cold shivers going up your back because of his accent and you turn to face him. His standing really close to you. "No, it's free", you say and watch him sit next to you. "Can I get you a drink?", he says in a polite way. You nod and Niall orders drinks for you. "You propably don't expect me to remember you but I do" he continues and looks straight to your eyes, "You were at the signing on saturday, right?" "Yeah, I was. I can't believe you remember me!" You say, but of course you know he remembers you. The time flies while you just sit there and talk about everything. Couple hours later you see Louis at the WC's waving for you to come there. "Sorry, but I gotta go to the restroom. I'll be right back", you say and get up. "Heey!" Louis says, "How's it going with Niall?" "Great! He's really nice" you say excitedly, "And cute!" You talk to Louis for just couple minutes and then you go back to Niall. Almoust right away Harry comes to your table and introduces himself to you. "I know who you are", you say and you all laugh. "So, Niall.. You coming now? We have early rehealsals tomorrow", Harry says then. "Oh.. right. I forgot", Niall says, looks at you and then turns back to Harry, "I think I'm gonna take her home first". You smile to him. "Okay, see you tomorrow!" Harry says, gets up and goes out with Zayn, Liam and Louis who winks at you. While you're walking towards your flat Niall suddenly takes your hand. You look to your hands and then to Niall who smiles at you. Finally you arrive to your flat. Niall says that he wants to meet you again. You got goose bumps. When you stand at the front door and Niall holds both of your hands and looks straight to your eyes he says: "Good night, beautiful." Then he slowly kisses you. After the long kiss he turns around and walks away. You freeze staring at him and whisper: "Good night.."

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