Monday, June 18, 2012

Zayn, part 1

I got the inspiration to this while I was packing for my trip to Rhodes((: #imagine "MOM! I can't find my bikini!" You shout so loud that it hurts. "It's drying on the terrace railing!" She answer you upstairs. 'It's so great to go to Greece again', you think while you get your bikini and but it in your suitcase. You also put couple dresses on top of all your things and then you close the suitcase. At least you try to close it. It's not so easy. "It won't close", your mom says while she walks down the stairs, "you have to take something out." "NO! I need everything I put in here!" you protest. "Fine, let's try this", your mom says and comes next to you. "You'll sit on the bag and I'll close it. OK?" You nod and sit on the case. Finally your mom succeeds to close it. "Now go to sleep", she says and you obey her. "This is the last announcement for Random Airline's flight to Rhodes. The flight leaves in 5 minutes", a calm and bored voice says robotically from the loudspeaker. "That's our flight!" you scream, grab your mom's hand and start to run towards your gate. Luckily you made it to the plane and you flight takes off. "Wow! That pool is HUGE!!!" You say to your mom when you arrive to your hotel. "Are you sure this is our hotel?" "Of course I am", your mom answers and laughs a bit. You run to the pool after you had thrown your luggage to your room, which was on the 9th floor and has a view of the sea from the big balcony, and changed your bikini on. You didn't want to swim alone so you waited for your mom by soaking up the sun. There you were peacefully sunbathing when suddenly a wet swimming mattress flew to your face. You guail because of it and let out a weird screaming noise. "I'm so, so sorry! The wind took it and.." a guy says and gets the mattress of you. "Ugh! Now I'm all wet.. Thanks a lot!" You say and only now you look at the guy. And suddenly you don't want to rage to him. "You're.." you start but he interrupts you by saying: "Yeah, I am." After a little awkward silence you slowly start to laugh a bit and after a while it grows in to a big laughter. The boy starts to smile with a wondering expression on his face. "Why are you laughing so hard?" He asks. "I just realised that.." you say still laughing, "after this I can tell to my friends.." you take a little brake to calm down, "that Zayn Malik made me wet", you finished and Zayn just stares at you. Suddenly you both start to laugh like hyenas. "Well, you can tell them that if you want", he says then. "Unfortunately I have to go now. The boys are waiting for me." "Oh, okay.." you say a bit dissapointed. "Please tell them I love you and that I'm your biggest fan." "I'll let them know that", he says and laughs. "Would you like to meet them?" he asks and your mouth falls open. "Not now, but maybe tonight, if that's okay with you." "Yeah, sure. It would be amazing!" You say shocked. "Good, shall we see in the lobby at seven?" You nod and smile. "Okay, bye!" Zayn says and waves at you. "Bye!" you answer guickly, still in shock. I'm gonna go to Rhodes for two weeks so I'll write the next part when I get home((: Hope you liked this one! xx

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