Saturday, June 2, 2012

mini imagine #1

#imagine You're in your maths class, bored as always. Suddenly someone nockes the door. Your teacher goes and opens it. You can't see who's there but you hear a deep manly voice say: "We're sorry to interrupt but we are here to give an award to one of your students. You can see the wondering look on your teachers face when she says: "What award?" "The Worlds Biggest Directioner Award of course!" the deep voice says. Now you listened more specifically and you regonize the voice. While you walk closer to the door and your teacher, she says: "Who are you?" Now you're standing behind your teacher and before the visitors answer you shout: "BITCH, PLEASE! Are you seriously asking that? That's One Direction!" There are five guys standing on the door. They're Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn. While you're staring at them with your mouth wide open, Harry asks: "You're (your name), right?" "Mhmh", you nod and smile stupidly. "Good!" he says, "One, two, three, go!" "Hi! We're One Direction and you have won the first Worlds Biggest Directioner Award ever! Congratulations!" They all say at the same time. You almoust faint as they all look at you smiling. Then comes a short silence. Suddenly Zayn blows in to a horn and shouts "Yeyy!" The boys start to laugh and you join them. "So, you wanna have your prize now?" Louis says. You just nod cause you're still speachless. "Okay, here we go! Here's your statue and here are your VIP and backstage tickets to our next concert!" "Thanks.." you quickly say after they all hugged you, "See you there then!" After that the boys wave at you and then walk away. When you turn to walk back to your own seat you see everyone in the classroom staring at you. Then comes the awkward silence...

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